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Known to prevent stroke

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If we start with the numbers of stroke, they are overwhelming. We can stay with three: They produced each year 130.000 ictus, It is the leading cause of death in women and the third in men (stroke mortality is five times higher than breast cancer) and finally, this disease is the leading cause of disability in Western countries.

Sin embargo, Despite these data remains a pathology little known in society. "This disease hides and threatens a drama and a catastrophe. This is what it means for families and society a person suffers an injury to the brain ", said experts of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN). Experts pointed out that the harshness of this disease lies in the speed with which it manifests and the alacrity with which symptoms are established. This leads to an abrupt change in the life of the affected: becomes a dependent person who can see committed aspects as important as the ability to walk or communicate, inter alia.

They noted that in recent years the incidence of this disease has increased and the trend is expected to continue increasing in the coming years, although there are two very good news: mortality has been reduced and stroke is preventable. Sin embargo, to get it you have to know.

We know that stroke is more common in women and older 65 years old. Además, most likely it affects those who have a family history or have suffered a stroke earlier. These risk factors are not modifiable, those who can not change. Then it means that you can not do anything. “No”, they clarified, "It means that we must do more to control those that can be changed. If control could reduce stroke in the 90 percent of cases ".

Stroke is nothing old

The performance and the changes that have to be performed to prevent stroke are similar to those that can be applied to other diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular events: monitor hypertension, lose weight and eliminate obesity, a healthy diet, give up smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, lower cholesterol and make at least 30 minutes of daily exercise, Like walking.

The problem is that habits and lifestyle have changed and this has meant that young people are not free to have a stroke. "We do not think that our health is fragile and when we are young we do not care so much. Sin embargo, They are increasing cases of stroke in young people between 30 and 40 years, "added physicians. It has been shown to lower the incidence in people 40-50 years engaged in sport than among those who do not.

They stressed the importance of treating stroke quickly and appropriately, since it is crucial to prevent and reduce the potential consequences.